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CSCOs Experience Trade Flow Disruptions

In 2025, the renewed focus on national interests and protectionist policies, especially tariffs targeting China, is causing significant trade disruptions and increased costs for chief supply chain officers, with only 15% feeling moderately prepared for these geopolitical shifts, according to a survey by Egon Zehnder and Imperial College Business School.

Navigating Uncertainty: Easing Pressure on CFOs with Intuitive Technologies

According to a survey by Egon Zehnder, CFOs have seen their responsibilities increase by 82% in the past five years.

Bankers say talent gap is in deploying, not building AI

Egon Zehnder's Christoph Wollersheim talks about the various types of AI leader archetypes and what may be most suitable for companies.

Press Releases

Majority of Supply Chain Leaders Worried About Operating Costs, Survey Says

A new survey by Egon Zehnder and Imperial College London highlights the evolving landscape of supply chain management revealing how CSCOs are navigating challenges and seizing opportunities to drive their organizations forward.

Eighth location in Germany: Egon Zehnder opens 67th office

Today, February 25, 2025, Egon Zehnder announces the opening of an office in Dresden. This establishes the firm’s eighth location in Germany and the first in the eastern Germany region.

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