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Diversity Initiatives

Global Initiative: Paradigm for Parity

Egon Zehnder is proud to partner with Paradigm for Parity℠ and has pledged to support the Paradigm for Parity’s 5-Point Action Plan for organizations to accelerate the pace of change in gender parity across senior executive roles. This unique agenda defines a mindset change and introduces bold and specific actions that when taken together and implemented concurrently will catalyze and enable business executives to build a more robust pipeline for senior leadership positions and Board appointments.

About the Paradigm for Parity℠ Movement

The Paradigm for Parity℠ coalition is comprised of CEOs, senior executives, founders, board members and business academics who are committed to achieving a new norm in corporate leadership: one in which women and men have equal power, status, and opportunity.

The coalition created the Paradigm for Parity℠ 5-Point Action Plan for corporations to accelerate the pace of gender equity in senior executive roles. This unique agenda defines bold and specific actions that, taken together and simultaneously implemented as a package, will catalyze change and enable today’s business executives to secure the best leaders of tomorrow. Visit to learn more about this exciting initiative.

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