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Agenda – Alain Serhan and Chris Patrick – Tapping Internal Talent to Drive Digital Change

  • 九月 2016
  • 1 min read

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Agenda – Alain Serhan and Chris Patrick – Tapping Internal Talent to Drive Digital Change

Companies facing digital disruption need to elevate the importance of digital expertise and tap their internal talent pool more effectively. According to a report by Egon Zehnder consultants Alain Serhan and Chris Patrick in Agenda: “Too often, companies have information in silos, existing data-savvy talent is in support functions rather than the front line, and the board of directors is far from digital-ready to guide the required transformation.” In other words, CEOs need to widen their definition of a diverse talent pool. They should also seek to promote CIOs who demonstrate curiosity, insight and the ability to communicate a contagious passion for digital ideas, add the authors.

Full story: Alain Serhan and Chris Patrick: Digital Transformation Needs to Be a Priority Across Industries in Agenda (8 August 2016).


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