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Chief Executive Magazine – Helping Interim CEOs to Hit the Ground Running

  • 十一月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Chief Executive Magazine – Helping Interim CEOs to Hit the Ground Running

There are many reasons – ranging from sudden illness to shock resignations – why companies may require an interim CEO at very short notice, reports Chief Executive Magazine. What areas should temporary leaders focus on to ensure a smooth transitional period? George L. Davis Jr., global CEO practice leader at Egon Zehnder, advises interim CEOs to: “align with the board, and specifically with the risk and audit committees, quickly.” In Davis’ view, it is also important for “the full board to support and get the interim CEO up to speed.”

Full story: Dale Buss: 5 Hot Tips for Creating an ‘Interim CEO’ Plan in Chief Executive (13 November 2015).


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