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CMSWire - Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and the Future of Digital Marketing

  • 二月 2017
  • 1 min read

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CMSWire – Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and the Future of Digital Marketing

Virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize digital marketing, write Egon Zehnder consultants Amanda Roberts and Sarah Van Dyck for CMSWire. In their view, the combination of VR’s immersive technology and AI’s predictive analytics will massively raise the bar for customer experience standards. Marketing leaders will have to be agile, willing to experiment and ready to learn fast. They will also need to adopt high-performance practices like collecting meaningful data on customer-facing functions and leveraging insights gained. “In the end, marketing is about storytelling, as it always has been — and now that storytelling will need to be done through virtual reality, a platform whose power is only beginning to be understood,” the authors conclude.

Full story: Amanda Roberts and Sarah Van Dyck: Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and the Future of Digital Marketing in CMSWire (1 February 2017).


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