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Computerwoche – London Offers Career Boost for IT Leaders

  • 十二月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Computerwoche - London Offers Career Boost for IT Leaders

London is a European Mecca for IT experts and Germans seeking to fast-track their careers should consider a stint in the City, reports the German magazine Computerwoche. Sven Petersen, CIO Practice Group Leader for Egon Zehnderin the UK agrees. “The growing start-up and fintech scene, coupled with the digital transformation of traditional industries has turned the City into an attractive career springboard in recent years,” notes Petersen. In his view, cultural flexibility, curiosity and agility are the keys to success for aspiring IT leaders in London. “It is an advantage that UK firms attach great importance to diversity, especially in terms of internationality and gender” explains Petersen. “For German nationals, this is definitely a plus point and if you are a woman as well as a foreigner: go for it!” he adds.

Full story: Judith-Maria Gillies: “Tech and the City: Wer Station in London macht, hat bessere Karten” (“Tech and the City: Why Working in London Can Boost Your Career”) in Computerwoche (7 December 2015).

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