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Deutsche Presse-Agentur – Automotive Needs Bridge-builder CEOs

  • 四月 2016
  • 1 min read

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Deutsche Presse-Agentur – Automotive Needs Bridge-builder CEOs

Digitalization is redefining the automotive industry and next generation CEOs need an entirely different profile to their predecessors, reports the German news agency dpa. Automotive CEOs, explains Egon Zehnder's Global Automotive Practice Leader Christian Rosen, need to be able to build bridges between old and new corporate cultures and ensure that digital activities are seen as an equally important pillar of their business as traditional areas. “Ultimately, CEOs don’t have to be experts in all areas and cannot do everything. But they have to know where their own shortfalls are,” notes Rosen.

Full story: Annika Grah & Felix Frieler: Digitaler Nachwuchs gesucht - Autokonzerne vor Generationswechsel (“Young Digital Talent Wanted - Automotive Companies Face a Generational Change”) for dpa, (6 April 2016).

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