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Egon Zehnder First to Set Female CEO Target

  • 九月 2014
  • 1 min read

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Egon Zehnder First to Set Female CEO Target

Egon Zehnder is committing to a target of 25 female chief executives of FTSE 100 companies by 2025 – a five-fold increase on the number today. The public commitment by the firm follows the appointment of its own female Managing Partner, Miranda Pode, to lead Egon Zehnder in the UK. “We are determined to help the next generation of female executives unlock their potential and become CEOs, and we are actively working with clients to bring this about,” explains Pode. As part of its commitment to support clients in the goal of 25 by 25, Egon Zehnder is helping them to identify 40% of women among their high potential leadership candidates, launching a leadership development programme for potential CEOs with Mobius, as well as developing a programme specific to the needs of women; and offering workshops on unconscious bias.

For press coverage of Egon Zehnder’s 25 by 25 initiative, check out:

Kate Burgess and Alison Smith: Egon Zehnder aims for boardroom revolution to recognise women in the Financial Times (18 September 2014)

Serina Sandhu: Executive headhunters push for more women bosses in the Independent on Sunday (28 September 2014)


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