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Egon Zehnder Singapore Launches “20 by 20”Initiative To Boost Board Diversity

  • 十二月 2014
  • 1 min read

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Egon Zehnder Singapore Launches “20 by 20” Initiative To Boost Board Diversity

Egon Zehnder Singapore has announced a “20 by 20” program aimed at catalyzing change and helping women to obtain 20% of SGX-listed company board seats by 2020. Currently only 8% of corporate board members are women. Elaine Yew, consultant at Egon Zehnder, Singapore, describes the initiative as, “An ambitious goal that we hope to achieve by working in partnership with many in the community who are committed to the diversity agenda”. The multi-pronged initiative will also feature board de-mystification workshops for potential female candidates and offer them a mentor network of experienced board directors. “What is important is to have a diversity of perspectives and strengths on the board. Gender diversity is not the only form of diversity that is important, but it is the most obvious opportunity ahead of us,” notes Yew.

For press coverage of Egon Zehnder’s 20 by 20 initiative, check out:

Marissa Lee: “Mixed bag for gender diversity in S’pore firms” in The Straits Times (5 December 2014)

Video interview with Elaine Yew broadcast by Channel News Asia (3 December 2014)


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