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Financial Times – Empathy: The New Must-Have for Executives

  • 十一月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Financial Times – Empathy: The New Must-Have for Executives

As firms abandon top-down management models, empathy is the new must-have for today’s leaders, writes Egon Zehnder consultant Andrew Roscoe in the Financial Times. Empathetic leaders get more out of their teams and show personal learning and growth spikes, explains Roscoe. Empathy is essential when managing millennials, he notes, who perform best for leaders who understand them as individuals. It also helps leaders to suspend their egos and promote truly disruptive ideas, which boosts innovation. In Roscoe’s view: “The empathetic leader can foster an engaged and empowered workforce that, in a rapidly changing world, is the key to unlocking a company’s potential.”

Full story: Andrew Roscoe: Empathetic leaders please staff, investors and customers in the Financial Times (26 November 2015).

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