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Finding technology talent in financial services

  • 五月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Euromoney – Finding technology talent in financial services

As banks commit billions of dollars to innovation and their CEOs stress the importance of technological change, finding and retaining senior-level executives to lead those initiatives is more complicated. Banks have traditionally appointed their chief information officers from within and at the senior level, they rarely hire directly from the technology industry. “The technology industry has very little regulation so it’s not as simple as saying a senior executive at Google is perfect for a role at Bank ABC,” Eric Anderson, the leader of Egon Zehnder’s global Fin Tech practice, tells Euromoney. In fact, Anderson says that banks’ increased efforts to hire from the tech industry may accelerate turnover. One alternative that Anderson has seen is for banks to add technology and digital expertise at the board level. “The number one requirement we are seeing coming out of the financial services sector is the desire to recruit tech-savvy people to the executive committee level,” he says.

Full story: Helen Avery: How do you solve a problem like innovation? In Euromoney (May 2015).

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