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Gruenderszene – The True Value of International and Digital Talent

  • 三月 2016
  • 1 min read

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Gruenderszene – The True Value of International and Digital Talent

The value of international talent for start-ups is at the center of an interview conducted by Mark Krymalowski, consultant at Egon Zehnder in Berlin, with Gruenderszene, Germany’s leading digital newspaper. Digital business is keen to attract the best talent and is therefore searching for it with global reach, explains Krymalowski. Having a top international team doesn’t add value in itself though, he says. To add value, you need to bring different “education, experience and mindsets” to the table. Diversity only makes sense, Krymalowski adds, if it includes “diversity of viewpoint”. He also takes a look at larger corporations that have further to go when it comes to embracing international talent, especially with a digital background. In his experience, integrating international digital talent into start-ups – not to mention major corporations contending with digital transformation – is a cultural challenge that needs to be mastered if these organizations are to create maximum value through having the best people.

Full Story: Miriam Mogge: Die besten Mitarbeiter aus aller Welt gewinnen? Für Startups kein Problem (English: “Attracting the best talent from across the globe? No problem for start-ups”) in Gruenderszene (24 March 2016).

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