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Harvard Business Review – Getting the A-Team to Succeed Together

  • 七月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Harvard Business Review – Getting the A-Team to Succeed Together

How can companies help their A-team shine together instead of as individuals? In an article for Harvard Business Review, Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, senior adviser to Egon Zehnder, writes that a Team Effectiveness Review or TER is key. The proprietary model analyzes six critical team competencies: Balance, Energy, Alignment, Resilience, Efficiency and Openness. According to Fernández-Aráoz, in order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of an existing team (and perhaps build a better one), companies should rate the group on each of the TER dimensions, using psychometrics, questionnaires and, perhaps most importantly, interviews and reference checks with objective assessors.

Full Story: Claudio Fernández-Aráoz: How to Make a Team of Stars Work, in Harvard Business Review (17 July 2015).

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