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Hunt Scanlon – Downturns Call for “Decisiveness and Nimbleness in the Boardroom”

  • 三月 2016
  • 1 min read

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Hunt Scanlon – Downturns Call for “Decisiveness and Nimbleness in the Boardroom”

Uncertainty and volatility are prompting energy firms to seek more strategic, diplomatic leaders reports Hunt Scanlon. Boards also need to boost their effectiveness in downturns, warns Steve Goodman, Leader of Egon Zehnder’s US Energy Practice. In his view, downturns are all about striking a balance between ensuring survival and positioning for future growth. “The muscles to stretch and challenge management can atrophy a bit in some boards during an era of industry growth,” explains Goodman. But, “In a market downturn, decisiveness and nimbleness in the boardroom are often valued more than consensus.”

Full story: Even in a Deep Downturn, Energy Sector Seeks Leadership in Hunt Scanlon Media (16 March 2016).

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