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INSEAD Knowledge – Emerging Market Leaders Need To Develop Local Talent

  • 二月 2016
  • 1 min read

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INSEAD Knowledge – Emerging Market Leaders Need To Develop Local Talent

As investment-driven growth declines, boosting innovation and productivity is a major challenge for leaders in emerging markets, reports INSEAD Knowledge. This means delegating intellectual responsibility and developing local talent pipelines and succession plans, say experts. Egon Zehnder consultant Elaine Yew sums up the trend as follows. “Emerging market customers increasingly want to see local leaders. Until recently, many expatriates have filled the top jobs. That’s changing as companies realize that a leader may be transformational in one setting but completely different in another.”

Full story: Vinika Rao: Emerging Market Leaders Should Give Up Some Power in INSEAD Knowledge (8 February 2016).


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