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Livemint – Start-Ups Line Up for Young Leaders

  • 四月 2016
  • 1 min read

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Livemint – Start-Ups Line Up for Young Leaders

With start-ups increasingly seeking leaders who have relevant experience and can fit into an unstructured environment, age is becoming a key factor, reports LiveMint. “Young companies are becoming more and more particular about age, because they are using age as a proxy for energy,” notes Egon Zehnder’s Pallavi Kathuria. “The kind of experience, in product or design or technology leadership for example, that these young companies seek is very scarce and has come of age only in the last 7-10 years. Hence the demand for relevant younger leaders,” she adds. Kathuria believes that leaders in their early 40s often hit the sweet spot because they tend to be seasoned, but still have the energy to keep up with the frantic pace at a start-up.

Full story: Arundhati Ramanathan: CXOs under 40 in demand at start-ups in LiveMint (11 April 2016).

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