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Security Roundtable – Cybersecurity, Seat Belts and How We Learn to Manage Risk

  • 二月 2017
  • 1 min read

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Security Roundtable – Cybersecurity, Seat Belts and How We Learn to Manage Risk

If it seems like cybersecurity is always playing catch-up to a new generation of threats, it's because cybersecurity today still is where traffic safety was in the 1970s, writes Egon Zehnder’s Kal Bittianda for Security Roundtable. Like improving traffic safety, cybersecurity will only become stronger through iterations of regulation, enforcement, design and awareness that result in safer tools and more responsible users.

Full story: Kal Bittianda: Why Cybersecurity Today is Like Traffic Safety in the 1970s in Security Roundtable (8 February 2017).


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