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South China Morning Post – Diversity Drives a Culture of Innovation

  • 六月 2015
  • 1 min read

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South China Morning Post – Diversity Drives a Culture of Innovation

Hiring individuals from non-traditional backgrounds is the key to creating a culture of experimentation and disruption. This was the key finding to emerge from a panel discussion entitled “Introducing an entrepreneurship mentality to promote intrapreneurship in organizations” recently held at the Game Changers Forum 2 in Hong Kong. Egon Zehnder consultant Natascha Jacobovits de Szeged, who moderated the panel, noted that: “Corporations are having to find new ways to meet customer demands and the pressure to innovate is very high”. While public companies tend to focus on short-term results, Natascha Jacobovits de Szeged described innovation as “a long-term game.” The panel participants agreed that building teams with diverse backgrounds is a key strategy for boosting innovation potential.

Full article: James Griffiths Hiring those with ‘energy and talent’ key to promoting internal innovation: Game Changers forum in the South China Morning Post (25 June 2015).

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