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Sustainable Products Need Customer Appeal

  • 八月 2014
  • 1 min read

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Fast Company – Sustainable Products Need Customer Appeal

What kind of culture does it take to develop fundamentally new products combining profit and purpose? Christoph Lueneburger, head of Egon Zehnder’s private equity practice, shows why openness, energy and resilience are the three defining characteristics of such cultures. Citing the example of denim made from ocean debris, he notes that commercial impact, and therefore customer appeal, is essential. “After all, even a product that has a very small footprint and helps clean up the environment will not have much positive impact if it is not also a commercial success,” notes Lueneburger.

Full story: Christoph Lueneburger: How A Clothing Company Successfully Turned Salvaged Trash Into Fashion in Fast Company (26 August 2014).

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