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Tech Firms Need to Develop Female Top Talent Pipeline

  • 十月 2014
  • 1 min read

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ComputerworldUK – Tech Firms Need to Develop Female Top Talent Pipeline

While Europe still leads the world in terms of board diversity, too few women hold executive positions, according to the results of a recent survey by Egon Zehnder International reported in ComputerworldUK. “The most senior functional leadership roles in technology, the CIO and CTO, are particularly challenged from a diversity perspective,” notes Sven Petersen, head of Egon Zehnder’s CIO practice in the UK. Firms urgently need to address the acute shortage of women in top tech roles, he warns. “Tech savvy executives are becoming more central to the growth of almost every business and therefore it’s vital that companies do more to develop their pipeline of talented women. Currently, the CIO route is a less well trodden path to CEO, but we expect this to change in particular in organisations where ‘technology is the business’” explains Petersen.

Full story: Margi Murphy: UK leads on boardroom diversity, but still less than 10% of execs are women in ComputerworldUK (9 October 2014).

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