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The Economic Times – Demand for Digital Talent Takes Off

  • 一月 2016
  • 1 min read

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The Economic Times – Demand for Digital Talent Takes Off

Demand for digital talent is crossing industry frontiers, with companies seeking industry outsiders, as well as training existing staff for digital roles, reports The Economic Times. Egon Zehnder consultant Sanjiv Sachar, confirms this trend: “Digital is big across sectors and there has been a fair amount of discussion over the past few months on getting talent for this domain. Since there’s a paucity of talent here, there’s a need to look at global talent as well.” In his experience, a differentiation between technology and digital roles is also exacerbating the talent crunch. “Companies are looking for separate people to head their digital strategies and not just the same people from technology or operations,” Sachar explains.

Full story: Anumeha Chaturvedi: Non-IT firms like Jindal Steel, Godrej seek people with domain expertise to enhance digital presence in The Economic Times (28 January 2016).

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