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The Information – Tech Firms Look For CFOs to Match Growth Stage

  • 五月 2016
  • 1 min read

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The Information – Tech Firms Look For CFOs to Match Growth Stage

The role of chief financial officer remains deeply important at Silicon Valley tech firms, reports The Information. So what is the tech CFO’s ideal profile? Financial leaders at tech firms tend to have a mix of experience and duties that reflects each company’s stage of growth: some are CFO veterans, others have been investors, Wall Street bankers and merger specialists. Their duties range from fundraising to overseeing the books and offering strategic advice. “You see (expertise) coming from different places,” notes Egon Zehnder consultant Arun Dhingra. “The companies trying to do it may be late stage, but it doesn’t mean they’re exactly the same.”

Full story: Alfred Lee: Private Tech CFOs to Watch in The Information (11 May 2016).


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