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US Boards Need More International Members

  • 一月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Forbes – US Boards Need More International Members

Global business is now essential to many US firms, so why do their boards lack international members, asks Forbes magazine? According to Egon Zehnder’s 2014 Global Board Index, 72% of all S&P companies reported some kind of international revenue, but only 7.2% had foreign directors (up from 6.6% in 2008). The shortfall between companies’ global business footprint and the international composition of their boards is referred to by Egon Zehnder as the “Board Global Capability gap.” This gap often arises due to decision-making biases within companies and narrowing it requires a proactive, “affirmative action” push, concludes the magazine.

Read the full story Why U.S. Companies May Lose Out Globally on (20 January 2015).

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