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Why Chief Financial Officers Prefer Public Companies

  • 六月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Wall Street Journal – Why Chief Financial Officers Prefer Public Companies

An improved U.S. economy has increased turnover among chief financial officers as they find more career opportunities and better equity options at publicly traded companies. Arun Dhingra, head of Egon Zehnder’s Chief Financial Officer practice, explained to The Wall Street Journal’s CFO Journal that shuffling is happening at all senior levels compared to the years of the financial crisis when many executives stayed at their companies. “Now they can leave with a good conscience, their options are above water and companies are hiring again. There’s lots of opportunity out there,” Dhingra told the publication.

Full Story: Kimberly S. Johnson: Public Company Stints Continue to Attract CFOs in Wall Street Journal (11 June 2015).

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