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Yuji Tokunaga


+81 3 5219 0450


Yuji Tokunaga, based in Tokyo, leads Egon Zehnder’s Board & CEO Advisory Practice in Japan, and is deeply experienced in working with Board and CEO on their most critical agenda including CEO Succession (Assessment & Development and Executive Search), Advancing Governance (Board Consulting, NED Search and Board Effectiveness Review) and CXO Talent Search and Development for global and Japanese companies of all sizes including family businesses. Yuji is also active in Egon Zehnder’s Private Capital and Technology practices He has worked extensively with private equity portfolio companies across industries.

During past 20 years of my journey at the firm, I have privilege to partner with extraordinary leaders who are committed to transform their companies by unleashing potential of their team and themselves.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Yuji was a Partner at the private equity firm Apax Globis Partners. He has also served on the boards of three portfolio companies. Yuji began his career in management consulting at CSC Index, in San Francisco.

Yuji earned a BA in commerce at Hitotsubashi University, in Tokyo, and an MBA from Harvard University. Studied at UC Berkeley as full scholarship exchange student from Hitotsubashi University.

取締役会及びCEOアドバイザリープラクティス(Board & CEO Advisory Practice)統括。テクノロジー及びプライベート・エクイティ・プラクティスグループのコアメンバー。様々な業界、規模、ファミリー企業を含むガバナンス体制のクライアントの経営組織強化支援プロジェクトに携わる。社長後継支援(評価、コーチング、エグゼクティブサーチ)、コーポレートガバナンス高度化(ボードコンサルティング、社外取締役招聘、取締役会有効性評価及び向上策支援)、CXO育成及び外部人材招聘等のプロジェクトの豊富な支援実績を有する。

エゴンゼンダー入社以前はテクノロジー戦略コンサルティングファームCSC Index、San Francisco Officeを経て、Impact Group Inc.を起業、経営コンサルティング事業に従事。MBA取得後Apax Globis Partnersにおいてプライベートエクイティ、ベンチャーキャピタル投資活動に従事。新規投資活動、投資先の経営支援を行い、パートナーとして社外取締役を歴任。

一橋大学 商学部卒業、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校へ一橋大学より如水会奨学生として交換留学派遣、ハーバード大学経営大学院 MBA取得。

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