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Volha Pukhouskaya


+48 22 520 09 13

Volha advises clients in Poland and CEE in executive searches, development of leaders and teams as well as of organizational transformation programmes, while providing support for themes related to diversity and inclusion. Her focus lies on technology, FMCG and retail sectors.

I am energized by the belief that we, as Egon Zehnder, are contributing to the creation of a new leadership: equitable, inclusive, collective, and open to change.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder Volha was an HR and Development Manager at Sell Action, part of a global B2B marketing agency, serving mostly clients from the technology sector. Before developing her career in human resources Volha gained experience in business development and customer service, as Project Manager for CEE and CIS sales teams who were focused on pipeline and revenue generation campaigns for Microsoft and SAP business solutions.

Volha has an MA in philology from the Belarusian State University. She also studied political history at Warsaw University and completed several education programs with the Museum of the History of Polish Jews. During her personal time, she enjoys trekking in the mountains, climbing, guiding city tours, and delivering self-defense training classes.

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