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User Experience Comes to Healthcare

  • 一月 2017
  • 2 mins read

Case Study

Medical Technology/ Data & Technology Insight

User Experience Comes to Healthcare

Software Engineering Drives Integrated Diabetes Solutions

One of the world’s most recognized names in medical-technology solutions for diabetes therapy and management wanted to rethink its business. The $16 billion maker of insulin pumps, glucose monitoring systems, and therapy management software made a strategic decision to emphasize user-interface design and software-system integration in order to coordinate the many components of diabetes care. To help drive this transformation, the client wanted to hire a Senior Director of Software Engineering to oversee software development, web-based interdevice communication, and the creation of user-friendly applications and tools. The company’s senior leadership was particularly interested in identifying skilled candidates from non-health-related software companies and from companies known for strong user-interface solutions.

The global Health team at Egon Zehnder led an international search for executives with a proven ability to create user-friendly technology. Beyond our own team, which has deep ties to the medical technology field and software industry, we partnered with our firm’s technology and communications consultants to reach into some of the most prominent brand names in consumer technology. By leveraging our firm-wide collaborative model we were able to develop a strong field of candidates from across the software and technology spectrum.

Through a systematic candidate-identification process, a leading contender emerged who met the criteria established by our client partners. The executive had strong and recent mobile-device software experience, which was paired with early career experience in the medical diagnostics industry. In the end, the leader’s familiarity with both tech sectors made her an especially valuable candidate, one who was capable of moving quickly and smoothly to meet the challenges of the healthcare field.

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