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The Growth of Digital Advisory Boards

  • 十月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Wall Street Journal – The Growth of Digital Advisory Boards

Major U.S. companies are creating digital advisory panels — an informal and smaller version of a corporate board — to help them innovate online and advise management on trends in social media, big data and digital commerce. According to The Wall Street Journal, typical digital advisory panels include six outside experts under 50 years old and meet regularly. George L. Davis, Jr., co-leader of Egon Zehnder’s Global Board Practice, told the publication that at least 50 Fortune 500 companies have set up digital advisory boards in the past five years. He expects more companies to follow suit and form these panels as “digital has become a multichannel problem to dissect.”

Full story: Joann S. Lublin: Companies Set Up Advisory Boards to Improve Digital Savvy, in The Wall Street Journal (10 June 2015).


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