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Financial Times – How Can Women Leaders Craft a C-Suite Career

  • 三月 2017
  • 1 min read

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Financial Times – How Can Women Leaders Craft a C-Suite Career?

What is the right route to the top for ambitious women leaders? Female executives are usually told that P&L, with its implied responsibility for monitoring resources and costs, is the fast track to the C-Suite, reports the Financial Times. But Egon Zehnder’s Jill Ader urges firms to focus on candidates’ breadth of experience and potential too: “No one knows all the answers anymore, so [the chief executive] needs to be someone who can draw from a lot of experience round the table.” Attaching too much importance to operational and P&L experience can also be a pitfall. “It doesn’t mean you have got the CEO [who will last] for the next three to five years” warns Ader.

Full story: Andrew Hill: The new routes to the executive suite will help women in the Financial Times (8 March 2017).

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