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Forbes India – In the Old Days You Could Buy Talent with Money

  • 二月 2018
  • 1 min read

Egon Zehnder Chairman Damien O’Brien spoke to Forbes India’s Manu Balachandran about the evolution of company boards and identifying new leaders. Egon Zehnder has been in India for 22 years, with offices in Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore. In the interview, O’Brien spoke to the leadership trends emerging out of India, and the traits he looks for in a leader.

“In today’s world, the ability to adapt and learn is more important than sectoral experience,” said O’Brien. Given the speed of change and the complexity of leadership, it is the potential and the ability to adapt and learn, and engage with diverse constituents that are actually most important.

According to O’Brien, a lot of talent today is motivated by purpose, when in the past you could buy talent with money. “These days we don’t discount talent for moving after three years. Often it is a sign of curiosity,” he said.

What is next for Egon Zehnder in India? With rapid growth, O’Brien plans to ramp up the team from 16 to 25 consultants in the next three years.

Full Story: Damien O’Brien: “In the Old Days You Could Buy Talent with Money” in Forbes India (19 February 2018).


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