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Where values can grow

  • 五月 2017
  • 1 min read

Where values can grow

Egon Zehnder in conversation with Kent Nagano

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Inspiration is the lifeblood of leadership – and leading figures from outside the business world can provide the kind of inspiration that is often hard to find in the day-to-day corporate environment. We asked Kent Nagano to share some of the insights and wisdom that he has acquired during the course of an extraordinary life. How can music contribute to the development of leaders and organizations? What does leadership mean in today’s world? And how do you keep everyone on board in a team made up entirely of outstanding individuals? Our consultants Michael Ensser and Jörg Thierfelder discussed these questions in a conversation with the American conductor. Watch Nagano make a passionate plea for more spaces – beyond the world of music, too – where personal and social values can grow or be reclaimed.


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