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Egon Zehnder Partners NOAH 2017

  • 六月 2017
  • 1 min read

Media, news and events


Egon Zehnder Partners NOAH 2017

"Scale or Sink? How boards can help founders build their business” was the topic of a panel chaired by Egon Zehnder’s consultant Mark Krymalowski at Noah 2017 on 22 June 2017 in Berlin. “Boards act much more long-term now,” argued GetYourGuide founder Johannes Reck during a lively exchange of views. Reck also said that women make better managers because they listen and ask questions. Clue founder and CEO Ida Tin urged start-ups to take risks when recruiting: “If you want to be great, hire somebody different.” Egon Zehnder is a partner of Noah, which provides a unique discussion platform for CEOs and founders from established champions and disruptive challengers.

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