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Marketing und Sales

Renegade Thinkers Unite – Courage: Why Any CMO Job Description Is Incomplete Without It.

  • Dezember 2017
  • 2 Min. Lesezeit

Renegade Thinkers Unite – Courage: Why Any CMO Job Description Is Incomplete Without It.

Kristi Maynor, Head of the U.S. CMO and Digital Transformation Practice at Egon Zehnder, joined Drew Neisser on his Renegade Thinkers Unite podcast to discuss courage and the characteristics of the world’s most successful CMOs. Courage is particularly important for marketing leaders because “a good CMO has to be ready to take personal risk,” says Maynor. The role of the Chief Marketing Officer in any company is difficult because it requires a seemingly contradictory set of skills – the foresight and courage of a brand marketer, and the detail and systems approach of a performance marketer.

The interview touched as well on why exhibiting potential is critical in the constantly disrupted consumer environment. “When I think about assessing a CMO to see if they can tackle a specific business challenge, I recognize that the job they are walking into is more than likely not one they have experienced before,” says Maynor. Curiosity, including an insatiable desire to learn along with self-reflection, allows the best CMOs to adapt and improve over time.

Maynor’s advice for new CMOs stepping into the role is simple. “Don’t focus on the title or position you’ve been given, focus on the impact you’ll be able to have,” she says. “Keeping your eyes on the prize enables you accomplish the things you were hired to do, and everyone from team members to customers to board members will benefit as a result.”

Listen to the full interview Kristi Maynor on Renegade Thinkers Unite: Courage: Why Any CMO Job Description Is Incomplete Without It (8 December 2017).

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