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Networking isn’t enough for students to win a job, says Clemens Hoegl

  • Januar 2022
  • 1 Min. Lesezeit

Students seeking a job should build up their personal network but it’s not enough to rely on good contacts alone, according to Clemens Hoegl, a partner for Egon Zehnder in Zurich, as quoted in the German language Swiss weekly newspaper, Handelszeitung

“Contacts are never bad but one’s own performance and the evidence of it is clearly more important,” the paper quoted Hoegl as saying. “Hardly anyone will hire someone after a mediocre interview if he has more convincing alternatives.

Those who want to get ahead in the “qualification race” should demonstrate an outstanding track record, good reputation and a solid CV that shows exactly what they’ve achieved, he continues. 

Still, almost one in three positions is filled through personal contacts, according to a study by the Institute for Labor Market and Occupational Research of the Federal Employment Agency (IAB) in Nuremberg. That’s why Hoegl advises cultivating your network, while gathering qualifications, internships and achieving the highest level at extracurricular activities. “The more distinctive someone is, the greater their chances on the job market!” 

Interview mit Clemens Hoegl „Keine berechnenden Gespräche!“, in: Handelszeitung Nr. 45, 04.11.2021

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