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Vikram Jeet Singh Arora


+91 80 43349004

Vikram J S Arora leads the Industrials & Family Business practices in India helping clients address critical leadership challenges. He is also active in the firm’s Technology, Private Capital and Consumer practices. Based in Bangalore, he provides a range of senior leadership advisory services including Board consulting, C-suite succession, leadership assessment, coaching and development. Responsible leadership and inclusion in the workplace are subjects he is deeply committed to.

I enjoy working alongside responsible leaders, who don’t do right just by their shareholders, but also by their people, their communities and their own families.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Vikram worked in private equity in London as Director, LeapFrog Investments leading investments & exits in key geographies for the firm. Before that, he worked as Vice President at Barclays Investment Bank in London (previously Lehman Brothers Europe) where he focused on M&A, IPO and capital market transactions across industrials, technology and financial services sectors. Vikram began his career at Honeywell Inc. working in various engineering, strategy and business building roles across India and U.S. He has also filed two technology patents in the U.S and Co-Founded the Culture Key App which was featured as Best New App in the U.K by Apple.

Vikram has an MBA from London Business School, Value Investing accreditation from Columbia Business School and a Bachelor of Electronics and Communications Engineering (Distinction) from India. Outside of work, he enjoys painting, playing golf, and reading to his children.

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