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Santiago Rivera-Torres, based in Mexico City, leads Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services Practice in Mexico. He is valued by clients for his business acumen, broad knowledge and experience in corporate banking, structured lending, and capital markets.

I believe that the best way to accelerate positive change in the world is by connecting organizations with talented leaders of great character and helping such leaders reach their full potential. I enjoy nothing more than devoting myself to such a fundamental mission.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Santiago acquired over 16 years of experience across corporate finance and capital markets. He was Head of Local Corporates for Global Banking at HSBC Mexico and CIB Director at CitiBanamex, where he developed extensive experience covering and serving some of Mexico’s largest corporations across different industries.

Santiago earned a BS in industrial engineering from Universidad Anáhuac in México and an MBA from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. Outside work, he enjoys traveling to new places and engaging in a wide range of outdoor activities with his wife and three children.

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