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Table.Briefings – Enablement, Purpose sowie gemeinsame Werte: Mark Krymalowski über Erfolgsfaktoren von Unternehmen

Adidas, Porsche, BMW, DM und Google – diese Unternehmen rangieren vorne im Arbeitgeberranking 2024. Was ist ihr Erfolgsrezept? Table.Briefings hat dazu Top-Consultants befragt.

Creating a Future-Ready Finance Team

Amit Banati, CFO of Kellanova, delves into how the CFO role is evolving and the key factors shaping its future.

The Pathway to Becoming a Seasoned CFO

Amit Banati, CFO of Kellanova, discusses his journey in Finance, emphasizing how diverse experiences across various units and countries equipped him for the CFO role and honed his leadership abilities.

The Board’s Role in Shaping the CFO Role

Amit Banati, CFO of Kellanova, reflects on how serving as a board director has broadened his perspective and sharpened his leadership skills as a CFO.

Key Skills for Future CFOs: What You Need to Know

Chief Financial Officers discuss what skills aspiring CFOs need to possess to ascend to the CFO role

What Does It Take to Go from CFO to CEO?

Egon Zehnder’s global survey on the changing role of the CFO reveals that 60% of CFOs aspire to become CEO one day. But what does it take to get there? Five prominent CFOs answer this question.

Doing the Right Thing

CMOs are aware that companies need to combine AI with sustainability to meet future needs, determined a group of Chief Marketing Officers during a recent roundtable discussion with Malte Dammann, Managing Director of Sales and Marketing, Ritter Sport.

Leadership of Post-COVID Supply Chains in the Consumer Industry

Even before COVID-19 ravaged the world, consumer goods supply chains were in the midst of transformation, wrestling with the need to show resilience and agility as digitization progressed. We spoke with many global supply chain leaders during the crisis. What we learned is that while the speed of change has increased (with, for example, investments in innovation and localisation), priorities seem to not have massively shifted. What COVID-19 has underscored, however, is the even greater need for supply chain leaders to adapt their organizational culture, their leadership style and how they hire and develop supply chain talent.

Harvard Business Manager – Der Mensch bleibt im Spiel

Künstliche Intelligenz im HR-Management eines Consumer-Unternehmens – damit befasst sich die Case Study des Harvard Business Manager im Mai 2018. Für Egon Zehnder nimmt dazu Stephan Buchner Stellung, der die deutsche Consumer-Praxisgruppe leitet.

Comfort with Paradox

Most CEOs and boards name succession, both for the CEO and for business unit leaders, as their biggest strategic challenge. While this leadership challenge exists for every industry, it is particularly acute in the consumer sector, where many of the successive waves of disruption first hit.

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