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Board Directors & Chairs

Het Financieele Dagblad – That's How You Become a Non-Executive Director

  • March 2018
  • 1 min read

Do you have what it takes to become a supervisory board director? Hans Horn, an Egon Zehnder consultant in Amsterdam, describes the responsibilities of a non-executive director and explains why some personalities are better suited for the supervisory role than others.

What are the best qualities for a potential supervisory board director? According to Horn, a flexible schedule and attention to detail go a long way, along with keeping promises, listening well and thinking outside the box.

“During crises or an IPO you have to clear your agenda, so that you have plenty of time for the commissioner's office in the evening,” he said. “You have to think about the information that has been provided to you. Is everything the CEO said true? What could have I overlooked?”

Full Story: That's how you become a commissioner by Thomas De Heide (08 March 2018).

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