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Board Directors & Chairs

Het Financieele Dagblad – Wanted: A Mixed Board of Supervisory Directors

  • March 2018
  • 1 min read

In 2017, Het Financieele Dagblad selected sixteen young supervisors for a study on what drives them, what they expect from their organizations, and in what ways they differ from their more experienced colleagues. The candidates were all younger than 45 years old, work full-time, and are a member of at least one supervisory board.

Research from Egon Zehnder and Blikverruimers Foundation revealed that while there is still some talk of an old boys’ network, supervisory boards today hold great promise for diversity and gender parity. Rather than posing a threat to the “old guard” of supervisory directors, these newcomers make meaningful contributions and are often selected for their IT and innovation expertise, rather than years of experience.

In the search for suitable candidates, Het Financieele Dagblad editors received specialized help from Egon Zehnder’s Natascha van Boetzelaer.

Full Story: Gezocht: een gemêleerde raad van commissarissen by Thomas de Heide (08 March 2018).

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