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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

CNNMoney Switzerland – Persistence is Key to Success in Gender Diversity Initiatives

  • March 2018
  • 2 mins read
Play Persistence is Key to Success in Gender Diversity Initiatives

Persistence is Key to Success in Gender Diversity Initiatives

Simone Stebler, an Egon Zehnder consultant and one of the leading experts on diversity and inclusion in Switzerland, sat down with CNNMoney Switzerland to discuss her ideas about how women can break the glass ceiling.

Simone Stebler, an Egon Zehnder consultant and one of the leading experts on diversity and inclusion in Switzerland, sat down with CNNMoney Switzerland to discuss her ideas about how women can break the glass ceiling. “There is a trend toward more female board members globally in companies,” says Stebler. One factor is the establishment of quotas in certain markets. In addition, companies are actively championing women in leadership roles in an attempt to bring more senior female directors to their boards.

While there has been a focus of late on bringing women onto supervisory boards, there has been less of a focus on elevating women to C-suite roles in Switzerland. In response to this, Stebler stresses the importance of strengthening the pipeline of female leadership who will be prepared for more senior roles in the future. Companies that are looking to bring more diversity to senior leadership ranks should adopt a holistic view. “They should hire more female talent, they should retain and promote more female talent, and they should also address the issue of cultural change,” she says.

Full Story: “Persistence Key to Success, Says Diversity Consultant Simone Stebler” by Martina Fuchs in CNNMoney Switzerland (07 March 2018).

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