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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Finanz und Wirtschaft – Swiss Boards See “Slow but Positive Trend” in Gender Diversity

  • March 2017
  • 1 min read

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Finanz und Wirtschaft – Swiss Boards See “Slow but Positive Trend” in Gender Diversity

The share of women on Swiss supervisory boards was 1 percent higher than the worldwide average in 2016, but remains far lower than in some other Western European countries, reports the Swiss magazine Finanz und Wirtschaft. These are the results of Egon Zehnder’s latest Global Board Diversity Analysis 2016 of 1,491 companies in 44 countries. The share of women on Swiss boards nevertheless rose to 19.2% in 2016 from 13.9% in 2014. Egon Zehnder consultant Simone Stebler describes this as a “slow, but positive trend“. But other Western European countries nevertheless managed higher diversity scores even without quotas.

Full story: Martin Gollmer: “Geschlechtervielfalt noch eine Worthülse” (Gender diversity remains an empty phrase“) in Finanz und Wirtschaft (9 March 2017).

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