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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Hunt Scanlon Media – Why Ambitions Fall As Women Strive to Reach the C-Suite

  • March 2017
  • 1 min read

According to Egon Zehnder’s Leaders & Daughters Global Survey, nearly three quarters of young women in the early stages of their professional careers aim to reach the top level of the corporate ladder. But this ambition drops, precipitously, for women at senior management levels. It’s an astounding and consequential finding. The survey confirms the importance of advocacy and mentorship particularly for senior women. “We hope to find pragmatic solutions that support the professional ambitions of all women, everywhere,” said Rajeev Vasudeva, chief executive officer at Egon Zehnder. “We believe that diverse and inclusive leaders create a better world where organizations and economies not only grow, but thrive.” Just over half of the women surveyed said their organization gives them a platform that lets them actively participate in planning their career.

Full story: Hunt Scanlon: Why Ambitions Fall As Women Strive to Reach the C-Suite (March 21, 2017).

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