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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

TVI – Leaders & Daughters Lisbon

  • March 2017
  • 1 min read

TVI – Leaders & Daughters Lisbon

At Leaders & Daughters Lisbon, several Portuguese leaders and their daughters took part in a discussion on the role of women in the labor market. It was a casual, intergenerational discussion, on the still pertinent subject of gender equality. Although studies show an increase in women occupying leadership positions since 2011, experience tells us there’s still a long way to go. “This should not be an exclusively administrative discussion. It’s a cultural issue," said António Mexia, CEO of EDP. “It is often the case that companies don’t have a favorable environment or conditions to allow women to achieve a balance between personal life and career," added António Coimbra, President of Vodafone Spain. From the women attendee’s point of view, all of the pieces in this puzzle are coming together in a promising way. The youngest panelists were keen to remind each other of the importance of standing their ground to build on this progress. The discussion concluded by offering concrete goals for the future as diversity and gender parity is paramount in the business world.

Full story: TVI: Egon Zehnder Leaders & Daughters Lisbon (March 10, 2017).

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