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Legal, Regulatory & Compliance Professionals

Security Roundtable – Risk Management: Who’s Responsible? Who’s Accountable?

  • March 2018
  • 1 min read

With the rise of the Internet of Things, how can businesses ensure they have the protections they need to minimize risk and remain compliant with regulations?

Sven Petersen, a member of Egon Zehnder’s Chief Information Officers (CIO) Practice, and Egon Zehnder London’s Helen Crowleyrecently hosted a panel discussion with business and government leaders focused on the areas of cybersecurity, risk management, finance, and legal.

Here are three key takeaways from the discussion:

1. CISOs must speak in a language that business decision makers can understand and relate to.

2. There should be collaboration and constant vigilance. Work with representatives from all areas of the business, and re-evaluate often.

3. Cybersecurity should be built into the grass roots of product development.

Full Story: “Risk Management: Who’s Responsible? Who’s Accountable?” by Security Roundtable Staff (22 February 2018).

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