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Legal, Regulatory & Compliance Professionals

The American Lawyer — The Careerist: Asian-American Women are Filling the GC Suite

  • April 2018
  • 1 min read

Female lawyers of Asian descent are climbing the ranks as general counsel and heading the legal departments of Fortune 500 companies at an unprecedented rate.

So what’s the cause of this sudden spike in Asian women holding top corporate legal positions?

Many are finding that working for corporations allows them to thrive in ways that law firms couldn’t support. While lawyers at firms are focused squarely on bringing in business, corporations favor a more holistic approach, taking factors like emotional intelligence into consideration. Many Asian women also note that more inclusion and talent development occurs in-house.

While many Asian women are finding in-house legal work to be a more welcoming environment, Selena Loh LaCroix, global leader of Egon Zehnder’s Technology and Communications Practice, warns that they are still encountering a number of patriarchal obstacles and stereotypes.

“They certainly face the same issues that other non-APA women face in the legal world at large,” she explains, including bias, racism and lack of work recognition.

Full Story: The Careerist: Asian-American Women are Filling the GC Suite by Vivia Chen. 3 April, 2018.

Selena Loh LaCroix, Egon Zehnder, Dallas       

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