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Hospitality, Travel & Leisure

In the emotional and high-stakes world of hospitality, travel, and leisure, exceptional leadership is the key to creating extraordinary experiences and lasting memories for travellers and guests. At Egon Zehnder, our Hospitality, Travel & Leisure Practice collaborates with established and emerging companies to provide leadership solutions that drive success. We are a leading name in hospitality consulting, with one of the largest dedicated Practice teams in the industry. Our consultants are not only enthusiastic about the field but also bring hands-on experience as former hospitality executives. 

Through our collaborative model, we share global insights that inform talent choices and provide thought partnership that guides our clients’ decision-making well beyond leadership selection. 

Our clients need global leaders who are customer-obsessed, connecting as effectively with the front line as they do in the boardroom. We go beyond assessing expertise and capability to understand candidates’ motivation, drive and potential for growth. We bring creative ideas to the table, looking beyond the obvious choices and supporting our clients with development programs that provide a diverse and robust pipeline of homegrown talent for the future.  

We are excited to partner with you to unlock the full potential of your organization and help you to thrive in this ever-evolving industry.

Hospitality, Travel & Leisure Consultants

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