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Transportation & Logistics

The World – Airline Industry Deadline Looms

We check in on the health of the airline industry as federal stimulus funds are set to run out at the end of the month.

  • October 2020
  • 1 min read

Airline revenues are down 80% and Marco Werman, host of the public radio show The World, hasn’t been on a plane himself in months. He invited Josh Solera, who leads Egon Zehnder's Transport & Logistics and Aviation Practices in the Americas, to check in on the health of the airline industry and discuss what to expect in the months ahead. Solera first joined the show in may, saying that carriers were waiting for the beginning of the fall as a deadline, but that time is now upon us. “Without additional support from the government, it is looking like October 1 is going to be a big day for layoffs in the industry,” he said.

While leisure traffic lifted a bit in the mid-summer months, business traffic remains far below where it typically is, spelling trouble for the airline industry and employees around the world.

Full Radio Interview: The World: Airline industry deadline looms (16 September 2020).

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