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Artificial Intelligence

ZDF Morgen-Magazin – Inspiring Algorithms: Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Recruiting

  • April 2018
  • 1 min read

What will be the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruiting, asks a special report by the German public broadcaster ZDF? AI will not only simplifiy and accelerate the application process, but could also impact top-level hiring too. Egon Zehnder’s Mark Krymalowski pointed out that smart companies make use of inspiring algorithms to search for exceptional and creative individuals. “To find such people, I perhaps have to ask a whole different set of questions. And that’s where artificial intelligence and powerful data analysis can churn through a much bigger volume of data, which may potentially throw up a bunch of new ideas and sources of inspiration.” Krymalowski also pointed to the ethical aspects of using big data in HR management. “This is all fairly new and there are undoubtedly concerns in terms of ethics and responsible use. An employer, a company, will surely want to be perceived as duly responsible, if they want to attract employees for the long term.”

ZDF Morgen-Magazin (25 April 2018; German-speaking TV). 

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