Drawing from experience working with boards and cybersecurity executives, explore insights to enhance your readiness to land your first board seat.
As cyber risks rise, board members must have a level of cybersecurity knowledge in the same way they do financials, Egon Zehnder's Will Houston shared. (Note that this article may be behind a paywall and require a subscription.)
One of the sessions of Egon Zehnder’s Directors Development Program addressed the multifaceted challenges of cybersecurity in a world that is becoming more technology driven and more connected.
Banks urged to assess cybercrime risks
Governments around the world have introduced laws that require plain language in public communications. Directors in the corporate world could benefit from similar efforts, consultant William Houston discusses.
Discover how Chief Data Officers (CDOs) have evolved into strategic visionaries, propelling organizations to success through data-driven decisions.
Radhika Krishnan and Asha Keddy highlights the need for awareness of biases and accessibility to bridge gaps in AI development and promotes inclusivity.
In this e-book, Dr. Moudy Elbayadi, author of Big Breaches: Cybersecurity Lessons for Everyone, offers a concise and practical playbook for boards of directors to improve their understanding of cybersecurity issues and challenges and prepare for potential attacks.
The tech industry is under the regulatory spotlight in the United States. Can leaders strike the right balance between compliance and growth as challenges intensify?
The recent Twitter hack shows that companies must continue to bolster the most critical part of their security infrastructure—their workforce. While cybersecurity professionals have been sounding the alarm about the threat of social engineering for a while, most cybersecurity programs focus on the technical aspects of the job—securing a company's systems and products.
Will Houston joins Steve Durbin, managing director of the Information Security Forum, for an episode of the ISF Podcast focusing on “The Effect of a Breach on a CISO’s Value.” They discuss the skills shortage, the effect of a breach on a CISO’s value and employability, and more.
How the C-suite and Board can partner with the CISO to create stronger, more resilient organizations.
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