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SiliconANGLE – As CDO Role Matures, Automation Plays Key Role in the Learning Process

  • August 2019
  • 2 mins read

To better understand the role of the chief data officer in digital change, Egon Zehnder interviewed more than 100 CDOs of global companies.

The responsibilities of a Chief Data Officer are fast evolving as vast quantities of data become available, but significant leaps forward are still required in order for digital leaders to truly optimize the full potential of their data capabilities. This fact became evident during Egon Zehnder's more than 100 interviews of CDOs in numerous global industries, with results clarifying that the majority of those individuals were not only the first CDO hired in their company, but that over two-thirds carried the title for less than two years.

From an insider’s perspective, Paul Gillin, co-host of SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio theCUBE, stated that there is a maturity process that needs to be implanted in order to not only organize “the mess” that has accompanied the process of analyzing data in an evolving digital environment, but interact with an increasingly more technologically integrated public of digital natives.

Gillin highlighted that this maturation demands that CDOs leverage complex automation tools to both corral large amounts of data, which in turn would afford CDOs the opportunity to quantify this data via complex algorithms, thus making it ‘consumer-ready’. Under more informed and capable CDOs, the roll-outs of automation tools would be far more streamlined than those in the past.



Full Story: Mark Albertson: As CDO role matures, automation plays key role in learning process SiliconANGLE (8 August 2019)

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